Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I Want To Be Famous!

    Most children dream of being famous at one time or another, right?  I was like that, you were like that, Cinderella was like that - well maybe not Cinderella, but you get my drift.  As we "mature", we also see the down side of fame: the paparazzi, tabloids, gossip blogs and E! News, but hey, a kid can still dream.  They may not all become famous, but they are certainly more style savvy, fashion forward and label conscious than kids were back in the day!  It's scary... and amusing at the same time.
     I was staying with my younger cousins for the week in what I used to call their shoe box apartment, but now I call it the Village Mansion because I have a new found appreciation for a 3 bedroom NYC apartment (hard to come by and even harder to afford).  As I was getting ready for work and they were getting ready for school all squished in the bathroom the youngest one was watching me apply mascara to my long lucious eyelashes (ok, so my sister has the long lucious eyelashes, whatever).  She procceds to say, "I need to learn how to do that because today I am going to be famous."  Surprised, I said, "Oh, really, and how do you plan on doing that?"  With serious written all over her face she said, "Annie, you are going to be my photographer and post pictures of my outfits on your blog."  Flattered that she thought my fashion blog was meaty enough publicity to make her famous, I told her to strike a pose.
     Don't think it stopped there.  She waltzed over to me with a pen, a pad of floral Papyrus paper and generously offered me her autograph and granted an interview if I was interested.  They really do grow up so fast and they're so full of it, aren't they?  She reminded me of a younger, harder to understand version of myself.  So, I graciously accepted her autograph and commenced with the interview.  I found that she gets her style inspiration from H&M and Gap Kids because they are always colorful, she will love all of her fans, she likes Juicy Couture and even if she's late for school she will stop and give autographs.
     As Andy Warhol said, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes."  With her penchant for leadership (bossing people around) and pure determination I can see her becoming the President of the United States or the CEO of some outlandishly successful company and therefore her fame will last far, far longer.  But, for now, here she is! When you recognize that mug someday, somewhere, remember you saw her here first!

Fame and fortune!



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