As I was groggily walking back to my apartment after a day of sorting out size 7X muumuus I received a text message from my Aunt. It reads, "Can you please get L and D from your uncle's office on your way back from work and bring them to the apartment, M and I are heading to a fashion show, tell you more later!" I take a glance at the message and to avert walking into a tree I didn't fully finish reading it, I just decided to call to make things easier and less dangerous, for all. She clarifies that she no longer needs me to fetch the kids and that, "the thing didn't last as long as I thought." So, I frantically hung up because I was going under ground, where the rats party and the service sucks! Gasping for air once I hit Christopher Street, I decided to reread my messages just to avoid that awkward eye contact with the women that stand outside of the lotion store and asks me everyday, "Can I ask you something?" NO, you cannot ask me something!
As I near the end of the message I see
fashion show. Wait, WTF, fashion show, they are going to a fashion show and I am on Washington? That's so wrong in so many ways. Not the kind of wrong when you're heading into the dressing room and grab a size 2, but you meant to grab a 4. It's the kind of wrong when you buy the 2, get home and try it on, only to realize that you can't zip it up and that it was a $300 final sale. It was that kind of wrong. So, needless to say, I called her. She gleefully answers, "Annie, i'll explain as soon as we get to the apartment." Well, those 5 minutes felt like 5 hours.
So, they walk in the door with a goodie bag that consists of Karen Walker's new look book along with a shleeda pair of $345 dollar glasses. We sat. They proceeded to tell me that a friend of a friend got them tickets and from there on all I heard was blablabla because my jealousy took over. Fast forward to right now as I'm laying on my bed writing this post. I noticed that they never mentioned seeing any bloggers or fashion icons. I yelled to the other room, "Did you b****'s see anyone worth crying over?" The answer was no and that made me feel a little better. Until this. I pulled up a picture of Leandra Medine, The Man Repeller. I said, "Not even Leandra?" After all, last week she posted a whole page on the lovely Karen Walker, she must have been present for her show. M comes a bit closer to the screen and then lets out this earth shattering scream, "Yesssssss, she was front row, had a stunning red skirt on with a red lip and bangs!" My thoughts - should I hit her right here and right now? - but then I realized she was 10-years-old, so I refrained.
Now you can see that not only new fashions and trends come out during fashion week, but the claws do as well. I know that there is no crying during fashion week, but hell, I was tearing up when I realized my 10-year-old cousin went to a Karen Walker fashion show and saw Leandra Medine AND DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!
Leandra Medine |
Karen Walker Shades |
Blogger envy!